Whistler BC

I’m in Whistler, BC until Tuesday.

I’m here for two days on my own coin, and then I’m here for two days on my employer’s coin.

It’s the annual Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society.

The convention runs Monday and Tuesday with all sorts of seminars to attend.

I do like the trade show portion, but dealing with people drains the energy right out of me.

Used some of my overtime to take today off.

There’s a cheapie bus that runs between Vancouver and Whistler.

$21.00 each way.

It’s just too unfortunate that North American society is so addicted to car culture. There should be a medium speed train running up the west coast from at least Portland, Oregon to Whistler seeing as there are a lot of Americans that come up to Whistler for skiing.

This place is a tourist trap, and it’s expensive, but it would be nice to be able to stop up for a day trip. But with all of the outta control car drivers racing, crashing, smashing, and dying on the Sea to Sky highway it’s not unusual for a collision on the highway to shut things down, which makes same day travel unpredictable.

This time of the year there isn’t much skiing going on, but the hills are busy with downhill riders and their $10k downhill bikes.

I might take the main gondola up the mountain to the peak. Depends on what the conditions are like up there. Lots of melt and lots of mud up there.

Once the conference is over, it’s back to Vancouver.

Work for three days.

Then I’m off until July 2nd.

Probably do a lot of bike riding this year. Couldn’t ride my bike much last year due to the slip and fall in the laundry room in which I fractured my coccyx.

If that’s one thing you never want to fracture, it’s your coccyx, otherwise known as your tailbone.

There’s nothing to do except suffer through the fracture while it heals. And it’s a slow fucker to heal. It’ll start fusing, and then you move the wrong way or move too abruptly and you fracture it again. It’s actually the anchor point for some of the tendons for your leg muscles, so it’s always being pulled on and flexed.

Because the bone is inside your body, there is no way to put a cast or a splint on it to stabilize it.

So yeah, I want to get out on the bike and get some riding in. Throw the camera gear in a case and go out for a good ride.

My breasts are noticeably pointy now, and they really have a different texture than before.

Nobody at work knows yet, so when I go back to work in July I’m hoping to be visibly showing.

Author: bobbiebees

I started out life as a military dependant. Got to see the country from one side to the other, at a cost. Tattoos and peircings are a hobby of mine. I'm a 4th Class Power Engineer. And I love filing ATIP requests with the Federal Government.

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