100 micrograms

Went to see my nurse practitioner today.

My blood work looked fine, so I’ve graduated from 50 microgram patches to 100 microgram patches.

And we’ll do the same thing in a month’s time. I’ll got for another blood test. And if my liver isn’t showing any signs of not liking the estrogen, then I can graduate to 150 micrograms. And so on and so on.

The goal is to get my testosterone down to around 1.9 nmol/L while getting my estradiol levels up to around 500 pmol/L without going over 700 pmol/L.

Should be an interesting ride for the next few months.


Well, I realized that the results of my latest blood test were posted on my health account for me to view.

At first I was a little concerned as when I logged in the system said that there was a test that was outside of normal limits.

Not sure what was wrong, I clicked on the link to see my lab results.

The Alanine Aminotransferase at 16 indicates that my liver seems to be doing fine.

The estradiol at 179 pmol/L indicates that I have elevated levels of estrogen in my blood stream, but not yet near the upper limits for men. For trans females the ideal range for estradiol in my blood stream will be 367–734 pmol/L so I can stand to go up some more.

But the reading that I am the happiest about, and it is the reading that got flagged by the system, is my testosterone levels. At 4.95 nmol/l I’m below the range acceptable for males which is 6.30 nmol/l at the lower limit. The target for this seems to be 3.4 nmol/L to 1.04 nmol/L.

So, I’ll have to see which way things go on my visit to my doctor next week.

Hopefully I can get my estradiol dosage upped a little.

And it would be nice to look at the possibility of androgen blockers.