Family tree

So, getting a little bit more details about the maternal side of the family now.

My maternal grandmother was Alma Viola Zong.

She was not Chinese.

She was German.

Even though I know Alma’s name I still don’t have a birthdate for her.

Still have no idea the name of my maternal grandfather.

But that’s the same as on the paternal side of my family.

I have a pretty good tree on the maternal side of my father’s family, but the paternal side has drawn up blanks so far.

I know the connection between Arthur Herman Gill, Ladeen Gill, and the Zwolle clan in Oshawa.

But beyond that, not too much.

So, I’ll have to keep slogging away.

In other news

My legal matter involving the CAF, the DND, and the DOJ is still proceeding.

Had a bunch of documents to read and approve this week.

Had a good phone call with the law firm.

Still awhile to go before this matter is over, but at least it’s still progressing.